Thirty three volunteers from Travis Air Force Base participated in the a Second Saturday Tree Care Day at Benicia High School on April 10. This was the first Tree Care Day at the high school since February 2020, before the pandemic. With all these volunteers, we checked on 80 trees around the upper parking lot […]
Arborists from A-Plus Tree Service trained volunteers in proper tree pruning techniques. A dozen volunteers, including members of Boy Scout Troop 7, attended Benicia Tree Foundation's Second Saturday Tree Care Day on March 13th which featured a tree pruning clinic at Robert Semple Elementary School. A-Plus Tree Service donated the services of arborists Chad Brey […]
Twelve volunteers gave Mother Nature an assist by watering almost 100 tree sites planted with either acorns or tree saplings. Benicia Tree Foundation typically waters trees the first two years after planting during the dry season to get them established. This is the first year when the trees have been watered during the rainy season […]
Many Birds Nest between March 1 and August 31. If you are considering pruning a tree, please watch for nesting birds before you start cutting. The Golden Gate Audubon Society has published this link describing how to prune trees while protecting birds. It includes a brochure you can download. A must read if you are […]
Two Crepe myrtle "Twilights" and one Chinese Pistache "Red Push" planted. Seven volunteers attended the Benicia Tree Foundation's Third Thursday Tree Care Day on February 18 at the Benicia Community Center. The Crepe myrtles were planted by the flag pole and the Red Push was planted in a utility parking area. The trees were donated […]
Saturday morning was more windy than wet. Most everyone arrived at 9 so we got started right away with a tree planting demonstration provided by Marcos Jaimie of the Benicia Parks and Community Services Department. Everyone was planting by 9:30, following Marcos' technique. Eight trees were planted and 3 yards of mulch were spread around […]
On January 21st, volunteers water 90 tree locations. Over the past three winters, the Benicia Tree Foundation has planted native tree seeds (oaks and buckeyes) at 90 locations in the Lake Herman Open Space. Mother Nature appears to be having a tough time with rainfall this season, so the Benicia Tree Foundation gave her a […]
Members of the Benicia Tree Foundation Board of Directors announced the availability of the Foundation’s Annual Report at the January 5th City Council meeting. This report describes our accomplishments this past year and our goals for 2020.