Trees in the News

Mushrooms growing on Landscape Trees
Tip from an arborist at Traverso Tree Service If you have mushrooms growing on your tree, you need to read this advice from Traverso Tree Service. Click here to read more.

Finding the Mother Tree
A book about discovering the wisdom of the forest by Suzanne Simard Suzanne Simard is a Professor of Forest Ecology at the University of British Columbia and grew up in and around a forest. She knew then that a forest isn’t just about trees, but it is a whole living biome with each organism contributing […]

Dieback vs. Deadwood
All dieback is deadwood but not all deadwood is dieback. Trees are in the business of producing healthy branches with lots of green foliage. So when a branch dies it is a cause for concern. Traverso Tree Service recently posted this explanation on their website on how to read the deadwood in your tree and better […]
Why is my Oak Dripping Sap?
It could be the bacterium Erwinia quercina, causing what is called “drippy nut disease”. Native oak trees were here before California was settled by Native Americans. They are iconic, hardy and long-lived trees, but they can get diseases and pests that are a nuisance. Click here to read this article from Traverso Tree Service that […]

Ancient Trees on East Coast in Peril
A 2,624-year-old bald cypress could teach us how to fight climate change – if it doesn’t drown first Bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) are the oldest tree species in the U.S. and are found growing in the wetlands of the Southeast. Their habitat is usually six feet or so above sea level, which makes them vulnerable […]

Mulching Your Tree Can Save Water
A local arborist describes how to effectively use mulch around your trees. The Benicia Tree Foundation uses organic mulch in all our planting projects for the following reasons: Reduces the amount of water needed in your yard by 10-25% Decomposes and releases nutrients into the soil Reduced soil compaction so roots can breathe Maintains […]

Avoid Tree Planting Errors
Benicia Tree Foundation trains volunteers on proper tree planting technique. If you have not been to our training, you can learn some basic steps from the UC Master Gardeners of Solano County. They issue a weekly email called Under the Solano Sun, which features horticultural news and articles relevant to Solano County. Their August 28th email […]

Managing Trees in a Drought
A local arborist provides advice on how to water a mature tree during a drought. With drought declared for the western U.S., Traverso Tree Service in Martinez developed some suggestions to consider if you have a large tree in your yard. This advice is particularly important if you have a lawn tree and you decide […]