Trees in the News

Money Does Grow on Trees
Urban forests make cash through carbon credits. After the largest single urban forest carbon credit purchase in U.S. history, more cities and corporations may start to recognize how investing in trees also benefits resident health and well-being. This spring, a group of 13 government entities and other organizations with urban forestry projects collectively earned more […]

Trees and Pollen, Nothing to Sneeze At
Seasonal allergies are primarily triggered by pollen, and this allergy season has been tough on many of us. A major source of pollen is from trees. Michelle Davis, a Solano County Master Gardener, wrote an article on how to evaluate tree species for their ability to produce pollen that may create an allergy problem for […]

Can Your Tree Hold a Rope Swing?
Nothing exemplifies the carefree nature of childhood than a swing. And a swing from a tree adds an extra layer of magic! The arborists from Traverso Tree Service have posted an article on their company’s blog, which describes how to determine whether or not any tree in your yard can hold a swing. Click here […]

Positive News about the Drought and Trees
Arborists are seeing less Anthracnose. The picture above by Famartin (via CreativeCommons) is a sycamore tree with severe anthracnose. Anthracnose is a group of diseases that cause leaf death and a commonly found on Modesto ash and sycamores. As trees leaf out in March and April, anthracnose can spread if conditions are moist. Click here […]

Tree-planting efforts get a boost from drones. Foresters in Canada are using drones to help replant forests devasted by wildfire. Manual tree planting is done in groups and is hard work: individuals carry a long-handled spade and a 40-pound sack of infant trees and alternate spearing the soil and setting the baby tree in the […]

Ginkgos for Small Yards
A cultivar under the trade name “Sky Tower” will grow to only 20′ tall. Ginkgo biloba (common name is Maidenhair tree) grows well in Benicia but it may be too big for some locations. A full grown Ginkgo is growing in front of the City Gymnasium on East L Street by the library. If you […]

13 Remarkable Trees to See on Public Lands
Nine of these trees are found in California. The U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management celebrated Arbor Day this year by honoring the iconic trees found on the lands it manages. The tradition of Arbor Day began in Nebraska in 1872. Raising awareness of the importance of trees, people continue to use the […]

Tree Carbon Data that Ring True
An international group of researchers may have found a way to better account for carbon storage in forests. Researchers are using tree ring samples to determine how drought and heavy rainfall affect a forest’s ability to store carbon. This research is described in an article published in the science news magazine, Eos. Click here to read […]