2012 Annual Green Waste Clean-up The Benicia Fire Department and Allied Waste Disposal, Inc. are hosting the annual citywide green waste and weed abatement clean up program. This annual free program is for Benicia residents who need to clean up their property of weeds and other vegetation. Only green waste/vegetation will be accepted at this […]
City streets can be mean, but somewhere near Brooklyn, a tree grows far better than its country cousins, due to chronically elevated city heat levels, says a new study. The study, just published in the journal Tree Physiology, shows that common native red oak seedlings grow as much as eight times faster in New York’s […]
TREES are on the front lines of our changing climate. And when the oldest trees in the world suddenly start dying, it’s time to pay attention. North America’s ancient alpine bristlecone forests are falling victim to a voracious beetle and an Asian fungus. In Texas, a prolonged drought killed more than five million urban shade […]
Every tree in urban Tennessee provides an estimated $2.25 worth of measurable economic benefits every year. Might not seem like a lot, but with 284 million urban trees in the state, the payoff’s pretty big. Through energy savings, air and water filtering and carbon storage, the urban trees of Tennessee account for more than $638 […]
Joe Henderson Elementary School was the second campus of the Benicia Unified School District to host a tree planting in 2012. The project was inspired by parents and teachers who requested that barren areas on the campus be planted with trees, and was supported by a grant received through California ReLeaf to plant a total […]
The Benicia Tree Foundation (BTF) has partnered with the Benicia Unified School District (BUSD) to garner grants from California ReLeaf to plant 80 trees at Benicia High School (planted in 2011) and another 80 trees (to be planted this year) at Joe Henderson Elementary School. The partnership is built upon volunteer support consisting of students, […]
Times-Herald staff report BENICIA — Two local eighth graders won iPads in an art contest at the city’s third annual Arbor Day Celebration last Saturday. Jonathan Park won first prize in the Benicia Tree Art Challenge for his graphite rendering of trees in City Park. Angela Jennings received second prize for her rendering of a tree […]
By Donna Beth Weilenman, Staff Reporter Some Benicia Girl Scouts are hoping residents with overloaded fruit trees will be willing to share their bounty. The girls are offering to pick the extra fruit for donation to the Community Action Council. Girl Scout Troop 20634, made up of 10 fifth-grade girls, has chosen the project in hopes […]
By Tony Burchyns / Times-Herald The city’s Arbor Day Celebration returns Saturday with more than twice the number of vendors than last year’s event, organizers said. The third-annual free event is packed with activities meant to spur interest in supporting trees. To drum up interest, organizers for the second year will award iPads to students […]