Second Saturday Tree Care Day held at the Military West westbound freeway offramp. Twenty volunteers arrived on a cool Saturday morning at the offramp from I-780 to give some TLC to 20 trees planted in 2020 by another group of volunteers organized by the Benicia Tree Foundation. The trees (Coast live oak, blue oak and […]
Imported beetle targets Blue gum trees. If you have spent more time outdoors the last two years exploring new trails in the area, you may have noticed the notched leaves on the large Blue Gum eucalyptus trees that line certain trails and cover large swaths of real estate in Tilden Regional Park, and wondered “What […]
Tree Keeper Program offers free advice to plant the right tree in the right place. Heritage Presbyterian Church reached out to Benicia Tree Foundation for advice on a new tree for the church's entry and became our first Tree Keeper for the new year. They chose a Cornus kousa 'Milky Way' (Kousa dogwood 'Milky Way') […]
Oaks hybridize easily which may help them adapt to climate change. Scientists at UC Davis are looking at how global warming will affect native oaks. Some of this work is described in a Pacific Plant People interview with Emily Griswold, a scientist at UC Davis. Ms. Griswold helped develop the Shields Oak Grove at the […]
Tip from an arborist at Traverso Tree Service If you have a smooth-barked tree in your yard, like a birch, maple, apple, or Coast Live oak, you may have noticed tiny little holes along the trunk. You may have thought they were caused by boring insects. But if the holes are in neat little rows, […]
25 Volunteers Planted, Pruned and Mulched Trees on February 12 Principal Stephen Slater welcomed the volunteers to his campus with snacks and refreshments as they assembled at 9:00 AM. Volunteers included Matthew Turner students and their parents, Benicia High students, participants in Sustainable Solano’s Youth Environmental Leadership Fellowship, and members of the community. The activities […]
Street trees have many benefits, but their climate impact is becoming more important all the time. The cooling impact of a single healthy tree from evaporation and absorbing sunlight “is equivalent to ten room-size air conditioners operating 24 hours a day,” according to the US Department of Agriculture. This is one of the facts about streets […]
Tip from an arborist at Traverso Tree Service If you have mushrooms growing on your tree, you need to read this advice from Traverso Tree Service. Click here to read more.
Members of the Benicia Tree Foundation Board of Directors will present the Foundation's Annual Report for 2021 at the February 15th City Council meeting. This report describes our accomplishments this past year and our goals for 2021. 2021_annual_report