Steven Goetz

Money Does Grow on Trees
Urban forests make cash through carbon credits. After the largest single urban forest carbon credit purchase in U.S. history, more cities and corporations may start to recognize how investing in trees also benefits resident health and well-being. This spring, a group of 13 government entities and other organizations with urban forestry projects collectively earned more […]

How to Plant 1,000 Trees in Benicia
BTF Holds Open House On June 23, the Benicia Tree Foundation held an open house at Benicia High School. The purpose was to celebrate the planting of 1,000 trees in Benicia and to share ideas for planting the next 1,000 trees in Benicia. The open house began with a 21-minute presentation describing what it takes […]

Foundation Celebrates 1,000 Trees Planted in Benicia
What does 1,000 trees planted by volunteers look like in Benicia? Find out by attending an open house on Thursday, June 23 at Benicia High School at 7:00 PM hosted by the Board of Directors of the Benicia Tree Foundation. This one-hour event will start with a review of what Benicia Tree Foundation has accomplished, […]

Tree Recommendations for the Park Master Plan Update
The Benicia Tree Foundation Board of Directors has prepared recommendations for tree projects to include in the update of the Parks, Trails & Open Space Master Plan. The City of Benicia began the update process last year by organizing focus groups of community stakeholders to get their ideas for opportunities to improve the park system. […]

Trees and Pollen, Nothing to Sneeze At
Seasonal allergies are primarily triggered by pollen, and this allergy season has been tough on many of us. A major source of pollen is from trees. Michelle Davis, a Solano County Master Gardener, wrote an article on how to evaluate tree species for their ability to produce pollen that may create an allergy problem for […]

Can Your Tree Hold a Rope Swing?
Nothing exemplifies the carefree nature of childhood than a swing. And a swing from a tree adds an extra layer of magic! The arborists from Traverso Tree Service have posted an article on their company’s blog, which describes how to determine whether or not any tree in your yard can hold a swing. Click here […]

Benicia Tree Foundation Benefits from Recent Donations
Businesses and individuals are helping Benicia Tree Foundation continue its mission. Benicia Tree Foundation wants to acknowledge the businesses and individuals who made donations to the Foundation in the past month. Solano County Supervisor Monica Brown donated $500. Supervisor Brown's district includes all of Benicia and she has welcomed volunteers at several of our Tree […]

Benicia Preschool Celebrates Earth Day 2022
Five trees planted at Francesca Terrace Park. The Starlight Montesorri School asked Benicia Tree Foundation for advice on planning an Earth Day celebration suitable for their preschoolers. We connected them to the City Parks and Community Services Department. City staff identified a park that needed more trees and helped select the appropriate tree species. The […]