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Acorn Season Underway

This week volunteers began collecting acorns for planting this fall/winter.  Collecting occurred in the open space behind behind Benicia.  Valley oaks were producing.  Blue oaks, unfortunately, were not producing a crop this year (that we could tell).  Acorn collection from Live oaks will begin next month.

Our acorn collection supports a joint effort with the Willis Linn Jepson Chapter of the California Native Plant Society to Re-Oak Solano County.  Benicia Tree Foundation is taking the lead on planting sites located in Benicia which include the Lake Herman Open Space and the I-780 freeway right-of-way.    Some of the acorns are being sprouted at the Jepson Chapter’s native plant nursery in Vallejo for future planting.  Acorn planting dates will be announced on this website.

Valley oak (Quercus lobata) acorns hang from a branch.
Alison checks a Blue oak (Quercus douglasii) for acorns in the Benicia hills.