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2nd Saturday Tree Care Day at Matthew Turner School

25 Volunteers Planted, Pruned and Mulched Trees on February 12

Principal Stephen Slater welcomed the volunteers to his campus with snacks and refreshments as they assembled at 9:00 AM.  Volunteers included Matthew Turner students and their parents, Benicia High students, participants in Sustainable Solano’s Youth Environmental Leadership Fellowship, and members of the community.

The activities began with a demonstration of the steps involved with planting and mulching a tree given by Benicia Tree Foundation board member Steven Goetz,.  This demonstration included a review of the tree species that were being planted and why they were selected. The tree species be planted that day were Ginkgo biloba ‘Autumn Gold’ (Maidenhair tree), Lagerstroemia ‘Natchez’ (Crepe myrtle), Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticleer’ (Flowering pear), Pyrus kawakamii (Evergreen pear), and Platanus ‘Bloodgood’ (London plane tree).  Volunteers soon began digging holes, planting trees and mulching other trees that were planted at prior Tree Care Days held at this campus

Later that morning a tree pruning clinic was lead by Benicia Tree Foundation board member Alison Fleck.  She demonstrated pruning techniques on Chinese elm trees (Ulmus parvifolia ‘Drake’) that were planted in 2018, and advised volunteers on the proper use to pruning tools.  Volunteers were also advised of the need to periodically check the condition of tree stakes and tree ties used to support newly planted trees.

The Tree Care Day ended at noon with sandwiches provided by Sustainable Solano.  Click here to volunteer at our next Tree Care Day.