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13 Remarkable Trees to See on Public Lands

Nine of these trees are found in California.

The U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management celebrated Arbor Day this year by honoring the iconic trees found on the lands it manages.   The tradition of Arbor Day began in Nebraska in 1872. Raising awareness of the importance of trees, people continue to use the day to plant saplings and improve the health of forests. 

Forest management isn’t as easy as watching the trees grow. Land management agencies like the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the U.S. Forest Service oversee hundreds of millions of acres of forests across the country. An adaptive and evolving approach is necessary to keep the nation’s forests healthy and productive. 

We hope on your next walk in the woods, you’ll maybe learn more about the trees you see.  Click here to for an Arbor Day tribute to some of the most interesting and remarkable trees found on public lands.