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Trees in Cities Protect and Save Lives

A new study published by The Lancet medical journal estimates that more than a third of premature deaths from excessive heat can be prevented by planting more trees in cities.  These findings were featured in an article on the website of the World Economic Forum.  Other findings from the study include:

  • Increasing urban tree cover to 30% would protect the lives of people living in cities.
  • Excessive heat in cities causes thousands of premature deaths every year.
  • The urban heat island effect drives up average temperatures in city environments.
  • Bringing nature back into cities can solve many of the urban challenges we face.

Benicia’s tree cover is  about 15%, so we have some work to do.  The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. It provides a global, impartial and not-for-profit platform for meaningful connection between stakeholders to establish trust, and build initiatives for cooperation and progress.

The featured photo is by Tony Hall via CC by 4.0 DEED.