Arborists from A-Plus Tree Service trained volunteers in proper tree pruning techniques.
A dozen volunteers, including members of Boy Scout Troop 7, attended Benicia Tree Foundation’s Second Saturday Tree Care Day on March 13th which featured a tree pruning clinic at Robert Semple Elementary School. A-Plus Tree Service donated the services of arborists Chad Brey and Peter Green to provide the training. The arborists led the volunteers on a tour of the various trees planted around the school playfield explaining how to solve problems with tree growth and structure through judicious pruning and proper tree care. After receiving instruction on the safe use of pruning tools, volunteers were given the opportunity to practice what they learned. At the end of the Tree Care Day, nearly 60 trees were pruned and mulched.
At Top: Volunteers gather for a photo at the end of the Second SaturdayTree Care Day at Robert Semple Elementary School.