By Ed Brennan, Benicia Patch. Benicia oversees the well-being of 4,320 trees, 43 of which should get the axe because of structural defects or poor health, according to a new inventory of the city’s trees. The report presented Thursday valued the city’s trees at nearly $13 million and named the Bradford pear as the city’s […]
California ReLeaf In October, the Benicia Tree Foundation tried something new. They gave away an iPad to get area youth interested in their urban forest. Students in 5th through 12th grade were challenged to correctly identify the most trees species within the City of Benicia. Ninth-grader Amanda Radtke won an iPad from the city for […]
November 1, 2010 In 2008, after a multi-year public process, the City of Benicia started its new tree program with the adoption of an updated tree ordinance. The goals of the program include completing an inventory of City trees, increased tree planting, adoption of a modern tree management plan that specifies proper maintenance practices, public […]
PORTLAND, Ore. November 1, 2010. Along with energy conservation and storm-water reduction, scientists may soon be adding crime-fighting to the list of benefits that urban trees provide. Researchers with the U.S. Forest Service’s Pacific Northwest (PNW) and Southern Research Stations have published a new study that suggests that certain types of city trees may help […]
Some common and dangerous air pollutants found in cities can be absorbed by plants at far greater rates than ever suspected. The discovery has big implications for modeling how vegetation affects pollutants, as well as how particles in the atmosphere affect human health and global warming. The finding comes from a fruitful and unusual collaboration […]
By Donna Beth WeilenmanStaff Reporter – The Benicia Herald Benicians will celebrate their trees Saturday with Arbor Day music, tours, climbing and planting demonstrations, as well as the awarding of a prize in the Great Benicia Tree Challenge. It is only the second year Benicia has marked Arbor Day, an event that was started in […]
October offers Benicians a chance to participate in two spirited events with important ecological overtones. The first, the groundbreaking ceremony for the Benicia Community Garden’s downtown location, coincides with Global Climate Action Day (1o.1o.1o). The second, a high-stakes tree-identifying contest for Benicia Youth, is one of many activities gelling around Benicia’s Arbor Day. Read the […]
The contest was announced in Benicia High teacher Teresa Finn’s Academic Decathalon class and started with a simple quiz. The questions: What does jpeg stand for? What are the coordinates of Benicia High School? What binomial nomenclature is included in the botanical name of a tree? The contest, the Great Benicia Tree Science Challenge, is […]
City staff is pleased to present the Tree Report to the City Council for adoption on September 15, 2009. The Tree Report chronicles the history, actions and recommendations of community members, City staff, and arboriculture professionals charged with the task of developing Benicia’s tree program. You can download a copy of the Tree Report here. […]