Steven Goetz
Tree Planting at High School
By David Ryan Palmer, Assistant Editor Tree lovers, a heads-up: Saturday is your chance to help plant 80 trees on the Benicia High School campus, and help out the environment a whole bunch by doing so. The Benicia Tree Foundation, headed by Wolfram Alderson, will plant California live oak, incense cedar and Theodore cedar at the […]
Benicia Named Tree City Again
By Donna Beth Weilenman, Staff Reporter for the Benicia Herald Benicia has been recognized as a Tree City USA for the third time and has been given a Growth Award for its second consecutive year, Mario Giuliani of the Office of the Director, Parks and Community Services Department, said this week. The announcement came a little […]
City Ups Reward in Trees’ Killing
By Donna Beth Weilenman, Staff Reporter The reward for information leading to the identification and arrest of the person who killed 18 city-owned tulip trees has been increased, a city official said Monday. Mario Giuliani of the Office of the Director of Parks and Community Services Department, said the reward has been upped from $500 to $750 with […]
Thankful for Benicia’s ‘so-what’ citizens
By Judith Donaldson EVEN THE RAIN DOESN’T DEPRESS ME me here in Benicia. I lived most of my life in the Northeast, where shoveling snow, scraping ice and yanking galoshes (remember those?) on and off formed the inevitable basics of my winter way of life. No thanks, no more, I decided one day two years […]
First Heritage Tree Approved by Benicia’s City Council
Benicia’s Leadership in Urban Forestry Stands Tall as a Tree WATCH FOR NEWS ABOUT A CELEBRATION OF OUR FIRST HERITAGE TREE NEXT MONTH! The first Heritage Tree in Benicia is a native California Coast Live Oak (Quercus Agrifolia). The Heritage Tree was approved March 15, 2011 by the Benicia City Council. The tree is located […]
Council OKs ‘Heritage Tree’ designation
By Donna Beth Weilenman, Benicia Herald Staff Reporter A day after 18 of 20 newly planted tulip trees were discovered destroyed in Southampton Park, Benicia City Council unanimously designated a veteran oak in City Park as its first Heritage Tree. The tree’s designation will be recorded in the Solano County Recorder’s Office, and it eventually will […]
Benicia offers $500 reward on tulip trees
By Donna Beth Weilenman, Staff Reporter Benicia is offering a $500 reward for information leading to the arrest of the vandal who cut through 18 young tulip trees in a city park over the weekend. One of the destroyed trees was tied to the city’s Tree City USA certification. Urged by Ken Paulk, a Parks, Recreation […]
In an effort to apprehend those responsible for the egregious and willful destruction of 18 tulip trees at Southampton Park, a $500 reward is being offered. This reward is for information leading to the determination of the identity of, and the apprehension of, any person who was responsible for the willful destruction of the trees […]